With the holidays around the corner, many of us are making adjustments to our normal gatherings. Honolulu is currently under Tier 2 restrictions, which limits local gatherings of up to 5 people. Coming from a large family with many holiday traditions we understand that it may be difficult and can lead to tough conversations.
The bottom line is that you are safest with your own household, but assess your risks if you choose to gather.
This year we are spending the holidays with our “bubble”. Although we live apart, we are family caregivers for our grandparents so we are spending our Thanksgiving with them. Along with the CDC and WHO guidelines to prevent the spread, we are taking these additional steps to safely spend the holidays with our grandparents. We hope you find these helpful too.
5 Tips to stay safe during the holidays
1. Quarantine for 14 days
Quarantine may not be practical, but we can still limit non-essential outings or gatherings when going out. To reduce the chances of infection, continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and work from home if possible. Complete quarantine would be to stay home unless for essential medical care.
2. Stay in your bubble, but consider a food exchange
Our family made the difficult decision to spend Thanksgiving apart from our extended family. But just because we aren’t sitting at the dinner table together doesn’t mean that we’re not eating the same food! No Thanksgiving is complete without our cousin’s cornbread, so we are opting for a food exchange this year.
3. Don’t share plates
It may be tempting to share a piece of Lemon Crunch cake, but sharing plates are high-risk in spreading COVID-19, or any type of illness for that matter.
4. Wear a mask when not eating
This may be awkward for many, but if you are spending the holidays with extended family please consider wearing a mask when not eating. The CDC confirms that COVID-19 can be transmitted through exposure to virus-containing respiratory droplets. We can reduce the risk of transmission by wearing a mask and keeping 6 feet apart.
5. Give shakas, not hugs
Possibly the hardest thing to do for locals. If possible, refrain from bodily contact such as hugs or kisses on the cheeks.
As mentioned before, foregoing the large family gathering is the safest option altogether, but we know it may not be possible. Please proceed at your own risk during this holiday season and be safe out there!